- chpt 1, pg 8
- “We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
- chpt 4, pg 81
- I love the saying, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work as hard.”
Martin Luther wrote, “This life is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness. It is not healthy, but healing; not being, but becoming; not rest, but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it. This is not the end, but it is the road.” - chpt 5, pg 98
- One of my favorite quotes is from my big sister Christy. In the midst of her struggles with health and the challenges of being a missionary overseas, she became convinced, “God will never waste pain that’s offered to Him.” I love that. God will never waste your pain. He will never waste your heartache. He will never waste your loss.
- chpt 9, pg 177
- Don't wait for something to happen or for someone to give you permission to do something right. Just do it. When’s the right time? For the most part, always.
One of my favorite sayings is “Oftentimes we don’t dream big enough and oftentimes we don’t start small enough.”
Tim Tebow - Shaken
John Maxwell - Developing the Leader Within You
- p143
- We see what we are prepared to see, not what is. Every successful leader understands this about people and asks three questions:
- What do others see?
- Why do they see it that way?
- How can I change their perceptions?
- p144
- Bobb Biehl, in his book Increasing Your Leadership Confidence, says, “Keep in mind the difference between a winner’s and a loser’s mentality. Winners focus on winning big—not just how to win, but how to win big. Losers, however, don't focus on losing; they just focus on getting by!”
Keep asking yourself, “Survival, success, or significance?” Are you striving to simply survive, are you dreaming about success, or are you really out to make a truly significant difference? - p149-150
- Successful leaders see on three levels:
- Level 1. Perception: See what is now with the eyes of reality.
- Level 2. Probability: Seeing what will be with the eyes of discernment.
- Level 3. Possibility: Seeing what can be with the eyes of vision.
- p151
- Many visions aren’t realized because of strong, dogmatic people. To be absolutely certain about something, one must either know everything or nothing about it. Most of the time, the dogmatist knows nothing but conventionally says something.
- p153
- Some people can see a problem in every solution. Usually obstacles are the things you see when you take your eyes off the goal. Interestingly, some people think the ability to see problems is a mark of maturity. Not so. It’s the mark of a person without a vision. These people abort great visions by presenting problems without any solutions.
Cardinal John Henry Newman said that nothing would get done at all if a man waited until he could do something so well that no one could find fault with it. - p155
- A prime function of a leader is to keep hope alive. Napoleon said, “Leaders are dealers in hope.”
- p158
- The successful Level 3 leader will see on three levels:
- The Perceptible Level: What is now seen—the eyes of reality. A leader listens on this level.
- The Probable Level: What will be seen—the eyes of discernment. A leader leads on this level.
- The Possible Level: What can be seen—the eyes of vision. A leader lives on this level.
Questions to Ask about Your Lesson
Is there something we can write on the board or shine on our screens that will spark a conversation or create a buzz?
Is there some way we can get our class outside of this lesson?
Where would be the perfect place on campus to deliver this lesson?
Can I inject an activity that will get every student out of there seat at some point in this lesson?
Can I offer some sort of artistic opportunity — a chance for students to express their own art voice?
Can I offer an activity where they challenge each other?
Can I make it like National Treasure where they solve clues and they come to me for the next clue?
Can I use the amazing power of silence? Pictionary? Charades? Little placards that I turn over like in those videos that are strangely engaging?
Is there some way that I can turn this into a contest?
Is there something I can do to myself to immediately spark curiosity as they enter the room?
Is there something I can do to transform my space — can I change my room some way to deliver this lesson?
Can I use the people of my class as props (e.g. make a graph out of people) in order to demonstrate a point?
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