2009 Tweets

Aug 20, 2009
Worked up a sweat chiseling the pizza out of the pan. Can you say, “overdone”? It was still the best pizza I had all day (and the worst!)

Aug 1, 2009
“Some mornings, it’s just not worth chewing through the leather straps.” ~ Emo Philips

Jul 31, 2009
Yesterday’s done and tomorrow may never come, but today’s a gift — that’s why it’s called the present.

Jul 30, 2009
If I don’t get to bed soon, there’ll be little point in trying — it’s already 5am and I have to be on a conference call at 10am.

Jul 20, 2009
Went to Wheatfield, IN to visit some friends and have dinner. Did all that and got to preach as well. A good day!

Jul 8, 2009
Enjoyed watching a half-dozen kids play “pile-up” in the yard today. (Is it still called “pile-up” nowadays? I’ve aged a bit.)

Jul 2, 2009
Headed to Branson today to see mom and dad Kelley.

Jul 2, 2009
I’m done casting ballots. Now sitting around watching other divisions cast theirs.

May 8, 2009
I just heard my awesome wife is making cotten candy for the carnival tonight — I think that’s cool!

Apr 30, 2009
I greatly appreciate my wife’s ability to bring the kids in line! Insanity often seems to reign when she’s gone.

Apr 24, 2009
Josh brought home Bulldog Prides three times this week: personal best, friendship, cooperation, patience and caring.

Apr 18, 2009
Knows the house would stay clean if everyone would just clean up after themselves, but how do you teach pets and toddlers to do it?

Apr 17, 2009
Was LEFT at the LOFT while Mikesha’s at LIFT.

Apr 16, 2009
Thinks Little Ceaser’s was better back in the Pizza!Pizza! days.

Apr 15, 2009
is enjoying how quiet the house is when the kids are in bed!

Apr 14, 2009
Anybody going to a tea party?

Apr 14, 2009
Twitter + facebook = twitface?

The Place of Our Weakness and God's Manifestation

Sometimes we get to a place where we just don’t have the strength to go on anymore. We can’t quote any scriptures, we can’t even muster up a song of praise. Many a time we wind up at this point where we have done all we know to do but in doing we find ourselves empty and maybe even confused. Maybe it’s because God didn’t answer a prayer quick enough or maybe not at all. Maybe the thing that you thought was your sure ticket to financial freedom falls through and now you don’t know how He can come through.

It is at this place....., THERE at your present weakness, that after having done all to stand you simply stand. It is THERE that God promised to meet you and to be everything you need Him to be. You know that dreadful place I speak of,.....“The end of your self” the end of your understanding. Yes it is THERE that He shows up.

Don’t quit, don’t leave, don’t jump ship, don’t bail out.....JUST STAND!

In the old testament God called Himself “I AM” which is a Hebrew idiom for “when you get THERE I will be THERE”. So if you are THERE, don’t get down but one more time trust and believe because you are closer to your miracle than you ever dreamed!
— Pastor Steve Finney’s status update on facebook 12/6/09

Start With the Mission

Start with the church and the mission will be lost.
Start with the mission and the church will be found.
- Alan Hirsch, The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church

Thanks to His Friend, Abraham Knew Something Lot Did Not

There’s a difference between being afraid of God and fearing God. The “fear of the Lord”, the beginning of knowledge and wisdom, is a respect of God, honor of God, and even a friendship with God.

This is more than just knowing about God. It is more than just living right. It is more than only having enough of Jesus in your life to keep yourself out of Hell.

This fear of the Lord is wonderment and amazement, interest, and utmost respect. It is deep friendship, not just superficial acquaintance.

Friends talk. Friends enjoy one another’s company. They laugh together and cry together. They share life, hopes, and dreams, and even secrets.

Ps 25:14 says “The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.”

The friend of God may know things of which others have no clue.

Gen 18-19 tells about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were busy going about life -- eating, drinking, working, and partying, and most likely assuming that life was good and that the party would go on forever.

The Sodomites had no clue whatsoever that the doomsday clock was ticking and they had less than 24 hours on this earth.

This cluelessness wasn’t restricted to just the sinful people. Lot, who had a righteous soul (2 Peter 2:8), was just as clueless as the rest of them.

But Abraham knew ahead of time what was going on. God told Abraham His plans, His secret, and Abraham was able to intercede for the cities, asking that they be preserved if just 10 righteous souls were found among them.

— Paraphrased from John Bevere’s comments on Joyce Meyer’s program on 11/17/09.

Brain Dump - Personalities in 1 Samuel 17

- An instrument of Satan
-- Not representative of Satan himself, because we cannot kill Satan
--- In Revelation, Satan bound, then later cast into the lake of fire

- Sin
- Sinful people, perhaps
-- can't kill people, but can sever the link between demonic influencers and the influenced

Had the responsibility and the authority, but not the courage
- president, principal, leader

"with great power comes great responsibility"

"to him whom much is given, much shall be required"

Per chpt 16, Eliab had 3 things going for him, 3 things that made Samuel think, "Surely the Lord's anointed is before him." -- Eliab was the first-born, he had a good (perhaps kingly) countenance, and he was tall.

Didn't get the position he'd wanted
- but also didn't have the backbone to stand against Goliath

When David starts to do something about Goliath, Eliab's envy manifests and he plays mind-reader.
- we, too, when a peer
-- gets 1st chair instead of us,
-- gets to be on the worship team and we do not
-- gets the lead role in a play
-- gets a better promotion than us

Too old for the battle (even adult men considered Jesse to be an old man)
But sent support to the battle
- finances
- prayer
- time
- food

I will not let the things I cannot do keep me from doing the things I can do.

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." - Edward Everett Hale

"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do." - Helen Keller

Anointed/Empowered and Courageous
Answered Eliab by saying, "Is there not a cause?"
Acts 1:8 -- "witnesses" also means "martyrs"

Tom Branham - Communion Service

Preached during the Friday morning communion service of District Convention.  Nov 6, 2009
Matt 26:26-29

The world and the government may have their thoughts about sin, but God knows when I sin, and I know when I sin, and if I don't get that sin under the blood, I won't make it to heaven.

During Passover, people would remove all leaven from their house - sweeping, cleaning cupboards, making sure not even a speck remained.

4 cups shared during Passover:
- cup of sanctification
- cup of affliction
- cup of redemption
- cup of consolation

hallel - "hall"- consummation; "el" - God; "hallel" consummation in the presence of God

First passover
lamb eaten
- under the blood of the lamb
- leaning upon their staff
- with shoes on
- ready to go

When the Israelites left Egypt, "not one feeble person among them"
- the blood is not only for redemption, but also for healing and strength

v28 - the blood of the new testament/covenant

3 Scarlet threads used during the scapegoat ceremony
- 1 tied to the priest (or at the priest's discretion, tied to the scapegoat)
- 1 tied to the scapegoat
- 1 tied to the door of the tablernacle
  - legend was when the scapegoat died, this thread turned white
  - Isaiah 1:18 possible written after seeing this (scarlet/red turned white as snow/wool)

At Calvary
- 1 thief died and went to hell
- 1 thief died and went to heaven - his thred turned white

Wayman Ming - Is There Not a Cause?

From District Convention, Thursday Evening, Nov 5, 2009
Video: here

1 Sam 17:21-29

covenant: permanent arrangement

How is covenant birthed?
Out of a cause
1 Sam 17:57 - 18:1
- it only took one conversation
- Jon's soul was knit to David's
- Jon loved David as much as he loved himself
Note: Covenant relationship can be birthed in one conversation.

17:28 - Why are there so many Eliabs in the church?
- Think they know other's thoughts and intentions

Is there not a cause?

Many today believe there is a god, or some supernatural/spiritual force, but they don't think God cares about them.
Need to read Psalm 139
- v1 - God has searched us and knows us
- v2 - God knows every time we sit down and stand up, plus our thoughts afar off
- v3 - God knows every word on our tongue -- both the word and the motivation behind it
Pentecost: God not only knows and cares, but He indwells.

Acts 2:2
- many sounds today, but we need a sound from heaven
- a sound like a mighty, rushing wind (violent wind)
2:3 - tongues like fire (greek: lightning)

Cane Ridge, KY, in 1801
- Lexington, in 1801, was the largest city on the frontier with a population of 1800
- also a rough, sin-filled town
- outside town, a preacher started a meeting
- within a few days, 25000 to 30000 people showed up

When know what Pentecost is
We know what accompanies it
But what is the evidence of it?

Mark 16: "these signs shall follow them that believe"

If anything, your church should be known as a place where people can come and be saved, healed, and delivered.

Acts 1:8 - "and ye shall be witnesses"

Pentecost, in OT, was called the "Feast of weeks"
- a celebration of the first fruits of the harvest
- seems fitting a harvest should be evidence of Pentecost

- a reversal of Babel
Babel: tongues used to separate the world
Pentecost: tongues used to reach the world

We have done a disservice to Pentecost when we think it's all about having a good time at church.

No! Pentecost is what you do after the service.
The Holy Ghost should make you hit the streets.
- if it doesn't, it wasn't really Pentecost, because Pentecost is the celebration of the harvest

In PCG last year, 21% of churches reported zero conversions.
54% (612 churches) reported zero water baptisms.
49% reported zero Holy Ghost baptisms.

Are we really PCG?  without Pentecost?

Wayman Ming - God's Plans for Us

Indiana District Convention - Thursday Morning, Nov 5, 2009

Jeremiah 29:11
NKJ lists future first, then hope
- our future gives us hope

God's plans include:
- what God wants me to be - devotion
- what God wants me to do - purpose
- where God wants me to go - destiny
- what God wants me to leave - legacy

- making God #1
- hearing God's voice every day
- obeying God's voice every day
[we need to check God's book before facebook]
- every one of us wages war with disobedience continually
- must overcome:
  . preoccupation
  . procrastination
    · "delayed obedience", which equals disobedience
    · delayed obedience = disobedience
  . passivity
    · waiting until tomorrow will steal your today
    · waiting will steal your right now

- same for all of us
- we confuse destiny and purpose
- purpose includes knowing God and making Him known

- God's unique destination for my life
- Destiny can begin in a moment
  . "Noah, build an ark"
  . "Moses, go down to Egypt"
  . "Samuel, fill thy horn with oil and go"
- Destiny can be defined in a moment
  . Rahab hanging a scarlet thread in her window
  . Three Hebrew children refusing to bow
  . Martin Luther nailing the 95 theses on the door
  . or....
  . Cain killing Abel
  . Judas kissing Christ
- Destiny will be judged over a lifetime
  . David vs Goliath
  . David dodging spears
  . David with Bathsheba

- leaving something for the next generation
- every deed leaves a seed
- every choice affects your voice
- Elijah's choice affected Elisha's voice.

Wayman Ming - Is There Not a Covenant?

Indiana District Convention - Wednesday Evening, Nov 4, 2009
Video: here

How do I move my people from hearing to doing?
from spiritual to physical?
from preaching to life-application?
Becoming a covenant church with a covenant cause

Gen 9:11-13
Gen 17:7-8
Psalm 89:34-
Psalm 25:14

Everything we have is because of covenant

What are we?  A denomination? Organization? Movement? Fellowship?

- nom - name
- nation - people group
- de - lessens whatever follows
- don't want to be a watered-down group of people who have the same name

- Jesus did not come so that we would be organized

- group of independent and detached people who have a generic goal
- evacuation of the bowels

Fellowship - "cooperative fellowship"
- koinea - communion
- but we can (and perhaps should) cooperate with anybody

Better: "Covenant"

Three Covenants of Scripture: Blood, Marriage and Salt

Jesus shed His blood for us, but shared His blood with us
His shed blood was grace extended, but His shared blood was grace received.
His shed blood was blessing designed, but His shared blood was blessing given.

"As long as the Lord lives"
[God is in and won't be out]

for the healing of relationships
- purity of mission
- preservation of the body

blood: spiritual
marriage: sacramental
salt: superficial [?]

blood: relationship with God
marriage: relationship with family
salt: relationship with the world

Brain Dump - Temptation

lust - #1939 - a longing
-- from #1937 - to set the heart upon

- #1598 - "Thou shalt not tempt." - test thoroughly
- #551 - "cannot be tempted with evil"
--- untestable, untemptable
- #3985 - to test
--- scrutinize, entice, discipline, assay, examine, go about, prove, tempt, try

temptation - #3986

II Peter 2:9 "The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation."

Matt 26:41; Mark 14:38; Luke 22:40,46
- pray to avoid temptation

Lust - #2237 - pleasure

Rodney Reynolds - Misc

- to be deep in thought

Isa 26:3 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee."

The fool has said in his heart there is no God.

"Let the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament his handiwork."

"day unto day uttereth speech"
- This earth speaks.

David Owens - Street Evangelism

From BFWC's 2009 Generational Impact Pastors' and Leaders' Conference

Everybody cannot go.

1. Before going out to evangelize we pray. (Phil 4:6)

2. When witnessing, personal hygiene is very important. (Romans 14:21)

3. When you go out into the streets to witness, you must be bold. (Acts 4:13)

4. When taking others with you, make sure they are born again. (1 Thess 5:12)

5. While witnessing, do not speak a lot of Bible, unless who you are witnessing to knows the word. (1 Cor 2:14)
--- Scripture is like Chinese to them

6. When street evangelizing, always walk in love, and by faith. (1 Cor 13:1-2)

7. When praying for others in the streets, keep your eyes open. (Matt 26:41)

8. Be careful when praying for others. Men should not touch/lay hands on women and women should not touch/lay hands on men.

9. When evangelizing, you should have a spiritual covering. (Hebrews 13:17)

10. Street ministry will help church growth. Follow up with people you have witnessed to. (church cards, notebook to write telephone numbers down)

Russell Hylton - 10 Commandments of the Ideal Leadership Team

1. Have a cheerful heart or attitude.
- shift mentally when transitioning from work (church) to home
- pastors meet and greet after church, not before

2. Practice ___[?].
- God
- Leader
- One Another
--- No gossip
--- We will not talk about someone else out of their presence untiless we are bragging on them
--- James 3:16 - "For where envying and stife is, there is confusion and every evil work."

3. Be responsible.
- if you're on time, you're late.
- if you're early, you're on time.
- be mindful of other ministries
--- if you need a stapler, don't take one from another ministry
----- requisition one
----- better yet, buy yourself one and save the church money
- clean up

4. Encourage loyalty to one another - look out for others.
- lead/show, don't tell/direct
- introduce yourself to others
- use names in conversation

5. Be a diligent worker.
- attend conferences
- show up

6. Build each other up.
- speak like we want others to speak to us
- don't enable bad traits - encourage good ones

7. Support your leader.
- realize we don't know the whole picture

8. Present a professional appearance.

9. Protect privileged information.

10. Keep actions and behavior above reproach at all times.

Russell Hylton - Mentoring Men

If you can get a man on fire, you'll get the family.

Gospel of Mark

kingsranch.cc -- cabins in SE Indiana - minister retreat

A teacher's platform is everywhere we go, everything we say, and everything we do.

"The authority to lead comes from the ability to feed." - Wayne Baldridge of Ohio, quoting Apostle Violet Kitely

Misc Quotes

A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.
- Bill Cosby

Committee--a group of men who individually can do nothing but as a group decide that nothing can be done.
- Fred Allen

We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best thing for us, we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.
- C.S. Lewis

Brain Dump - Those that turned the world upside-down

Luke 4:18-19

- 1 Cor 12: placement in the body is tied to function
- Talents: Possessions tied to ability

DNA - Even in fragments, the DNA is there

II Cor 1:4 - weapons not carnal, but might

"Well Done"
- Not "Well Said"
- Not "Well Thought"

Afraid to Pray?
- We want to know the result before we pray
- We want a down payment, earnest money before
- But Faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen

Acts 8:1
- persecution
- encroachment of the church into other areas
- What happens when the church breaks out of its comfort zone?

Acts 19
- "Jesus I know and Pual I know, but who are you?"

Holy Ghost
John: "I baptize with water but one mightier than I comes who shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire."
Luke 4:1 - Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, was led of the Spirit
Luke 4:14 - Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit
Lk 24:49 - Tarry ye in Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high
Acts 1:8 - You shall receive power
John 20:22 - Receive ye the Holy Ghost
Acts 19 - have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?

We want to see the miracle, then tell others, but the model is to tell, then you will see.

Bob Newton - Making Room for the Presence of God

II Kings 4:9-11
- a place - secret place, hidden place
When the Holy Ghost sets up house in your life, He may rearrange the furniture...
- a bed - a place of rest
- a table - a place of fellowship
- a stool - a place of judgement
- a candlestick - represents fire

Billy Wilson - A Pentecostal Awakening in America

Mal 4:5-6, II Time 1:2,5-7

After the age of 40, it's all about the next generation anyway.

This generation... feels fatherless.

Your destiny will be determined by your reaction to your spiritual father.
Your legacy will be determined by your reaction to your spiritual son.

II Kings 4:32-35
- child: promised generation
- "my head" - today's kids are being attacked in their head
- gender confusion
- humanism

We have kids today trying to be in the harvest, but their heads are under attack.

II Kings 2 and 13
"My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof"
- It's one thing to say "my father", but another to mean it.
- Joash/Joram only smote the ground 3 times and did so half-heartedly

The devil knows if this next generation, with their ingenuity and technology, gets ahold of the Holy Ghost, he's in trouble.

A Real Man

"A real man doesn't make love to a million diffent women. A real man loves one woman a million different ways."

Brain Dump - Lust/Addiction

The Addictive Cycle
- Preoccupation
- Ritualization (drive-by, enquiry, surfing)
- Acting Out
- Shame

Four Common Threads of Distorted Thinking
- Rekindling/Re-experiencing Infatuation (Law of Diminishing Returns - bigger thrills required)
- I'm a bad, unworthy person
- No one would love me if they really knew me
- Sex is my most important need

Addict Defined
- He's hooked and he can't say no.
- The subject of his addiction gives him two things: pleasure and an illusion of intimacy

Sexual experiences swing our moods.

Walking in the Light
1. Know who you are in Christ (Rom 6)
2. Believe you live with Christ
3. Give yourself to God
4. Don't give lust a foothold

Three Elements of Victory

To my...
Consequences of Lust
Benefits of Purity
Relationship with God
Failing, Hell
See God
Divorce, lost of trust/closeness
Love that lasts a lifetime, rejoicing with mate
Single-parent kids, generational curses
Generational blessing
Loss of productivity, Loss of job
Increase productivity, Better raises
Degrading, HIV/AIDS
Smashed, soiled
Poor, suicidal
Good outlook

Brain Dump - Hosanna

"Save Now", "Please Save", "Save us from this hell we're living in"

Need saving:
- From this hell I'm living in
- From the hell I'm headed to

The prayer of Hosanna regarding the Kingdom (Mark 11:10):
1. That it would come - in light, knowledge, power, efficacy
2. That it would conquer - and be victorious over all opposition
3. That it would continue - though it may be disturbed, may it nver be destroyed (Ps 72:17)

Matt 1:21 - Call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins (Jesus: Jehovah is Salvation)
Matt 8:25 - Disciples: Save us, we perish
Matt 14:30 - Peter, sinking, Save me
Matt 18:11 - Son of man came to save that which is lost
Matt 27:42 - He saved others; himself He cannot save
Luke 9:56 - The Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them

So great is the need for a Savior to have someone to save, that if you don't ask for help, the rocks will.

If you want to learn how to praise, watch a child (preschooler)

Matt 21:9,15 - out of the mouths of babes thou hast perfected praise
Mark 11:9-10
Luke 19:38-40 - stones cry out
John 12:13
Ps 118:25 - Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord. O Lord, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.

Prosperity: to advance, prosper, make progress, succeed, be profitable.

Cool Letters: First-Time Giver

[I love this letter that Oak Leaf Church sends first-time givers. This should be fairly easy to do -- Any first-time givers would be quickly detected because they would not have any record in whatever program or process the church uses to issue giving receipts.]

September 5, 2007

Dear Neil,

On behalf of the staff at Oak Leaf church, I wanted to thank you for your recent financial contribution. As far as we can tell, this may have been the very first time that you gave to Oak Leaf.

We started this church one year ago to reach out to the thousands of people in and around Cartersville who do not go to church anywhere. We are seeing lives changed, marriages strengthened, and children learn to love Jesus.

We work very hard to make sure the money is handled with integrity. We have a finance team who helps prepare an annual budget and make sure everything is spent appropriately. We conduct an annual audit becasue we want to be above reproach.

Thank you for supporting the mission and vision of this church. Because of your generosity, we will be able to reach out to people far from God and lead them to Jesus. You play a huge part in that process.

If you have any questions about the church in general, or the finances in particular, you can always call our office at NNN-NNN-NNNN. You can also e-mail person@domain. Thank you for your generous contribution.


Michael Lukaszewski
Lead Pastor

Declaration of Imperfection

From this day forward, I, Kenneth Row, declare myself to be an imperfect parent, living with an imperfect spouse, rasing imperfect children. I hereby recognize that as a human being I have made mistakes in the past and will amek even more in the future. Although I am not excited about my mistakes, I am excited about my growth.

I have decided that I will no longer be handcuffed by my fear of the future, nor will I be crippled by remorese for the past. When I make a mistake, I will learn from it, I will grow from it, and I will progress beyond it. I will pick myself up and not put myself down.

I have come to realize that my worthiness of love is not tied to my accomplishments. As I become a better parent, I will share my shortcomings with my family so that they may also grow from my mistakes. I have decided that from this day forward, I will no longer be driven by a passion for perfections. Instead, I will be inspired by my preference for progress and my desire for growth.

Brain Dump - Cost of Indulgence

I Cor 6:13
- meats for the belly, the belly for meats
- Answers, "that's how I was made"
- "If God didn't want me to ____, then why did He ____?"

Appetites are natural, God-given.
God also created means to satisfy those cravings.

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomache."

Why did David pour out the water the three mighty men retrieved for him?
- appetitie
- opportunity --> entitlement
- cost of indulgence

II Samuel 23:15-17

I Cor 6

Abraham Maslow - Needs/Desires
- Transcendence
- Self-Actualization
- Aesthetic
- Learning
- Esteem
- Belonging
- Security
- Physical

Phil 3:18-19 -- enemies of the cross... whose god is their belly.

I Cor 9:27 - I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection.

Galations 5:24 - They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Brain Dump - Remarkable

Think your church is remarkable? If nobody's remarking, then it may just be average.

How can one know if their church is remarkable? Check to see if anyone's remarking.

Jesus was remarkable -- His "fame went out"; He "grew in favor with God and men".
The early church was -- "those that turned the world upside down..."

Ever notice that Starbucks never advertises on TV? No need -- they are remarkable.

Red Herrings for Remarkability (Distractions, Dead-Ends)
- Traditional Marketing
- Logos
- Money and/or Funding

Real-World Examples of "the best" or "remarkable"
- Janko's Little Zagreb - best steak
- Taquiera Los Amigos - best tacos & salsa
- Starbucks - no ads, consistent delivery
- Greek's - best pizza, best kitchen-side table
- Jackson's Gas Station in Bedford - cheaper gas
- BP/Wild Bean Cafe - free samples of coffees & drinks
- Perry Noble - going to camp with teens

Is being remarkable essentially competing with the church down the street?
- Ask self, how badly do you want to keep your best people in your church?

Some remarkability is aesthetics, but aesthetics are not trivial -- ask David or Solomon or Moses how trivial the temple aesthetics were.

"Remarkable doesn't mean remarkable to you. It means remarkable to me. Am I going to make a remark about it? If not, then you're average, and average is for losers." - Seth Godin

Antonyms for Remarkable:
- underwhelming
- average

Actions or Steps Towards Remarkability:
  • Improve on your strengths. Pr 22: "See a man who skills in his work..."

  • Create. Don't Copycat

  • Eliminate Repulsive Distractions

  • "Be the change you want to see in others."
    "Lead yourself first."
    "If you have to tell someone you are, then you aren't."

  • "Covet to Prophesy"
    - Genuine prophesy is always remarkable.
    - It'll cause a sinner to fall down and worship God.

  • Involve Others

  • Undersell and Over-deliver
God's people should be remarkable.
- Christ came to give us "life more abundantly" (super-abundant).
- Christians should get the best raises, be the last to be let go, win the employee-of-the-month awards over and again.
They will "know we are Christians by our love."
"let your love be without dissimulation."

Brain Dump - Strategies for Reaching the Lost

Are we reaching the lost or just the already convinced?
- How many baptized?
- What percent of growth?

Much of what we do is geared for our crowd.
- the worship
- the word
- the announcements

Much outreach is to those like us
- "You would like our church. You would fit in."

Church advertising is aimed at church people.
ToDo: Collect samples of ads - newspapers, web, signs, ...

To gain the lost...
- Must replace "come y'all" with "go ye"
  . go into highways and byways and compel them to come
  . the woman at the well said, come and see, but only after she went
  . "Launch into the deep"

- How many unsaved friends to you have?
  . Matthew parties - the newly converted still have unsaved friends.

- Must realize the lost won't respond to our ads.
  . The exception is the previously churched
    - The two groups of sinners Christians most often pray for:
      . The previously churched (aka backsliders)
      . Unsaved loved ones
  . Vince Antonucci's story of visiting a church for the first time
  . ToDo: Collect pics of buildings/clubs around town (VFW, Lions, Elks, ...)
  . The point: I've never been to the Lions club. I don't even know if they'd let me in. Do I have be have a membership? Do I have to be invited? What happens inside the Lions' club?

- The Engle Scale

- Tolerance/Grace (we are the ambassadors/custodians of grace).

Albert Mehrabian - the 7%/38%/55% Rule

Note that the following rule, per Mehrabian, applies to discerning whether one likes or dislikes a thing. Critics state that the rule cannot be expanded to public speaking and that the 7/38/55 numbers are imprecise.

The 7/38/55 Rule:

If there is any "incongruency" between words, vocal tone, or body language, the hearer gets more meaning from what they see than what they hear. 55% of meaning is derived visually, 38% from the vocal tone, and only 7% from the actual words.

Kim Meyer - Communications Filters/Evaluations

Filter for communcations (web, brochures, etc.):
  • Is it a tool, or is it just cool?
  • What problem is it solving?
  • What is the return on ministry?

Three Evaluations for Anything:
  1. Is it appealing? Why would another spend their time on or in this?
  2. Is it engaging?
  3. Is it helpful?

Bert Decker - The Preparation Triangle

What's my point?
|..> What action do I want people to take?
What's the benefit in it for them?

Tim Stevens - Ingredients to Buzz

You must believe in your core that:
  • People matter to God
  • It is important for people to meet God and to come into relationship with Him.
Buzz only happens if you’re having an impact.
Impact: an immediate and strong effect.

Understand the language (pop-culture).
Speak the language.
Leverage the culture — use culture to God's advantage.
[Think of how missionaries work.]
“Speaking someone’s language is the first step toward gaining a hearing from them.”

Buzz can be sustained only if your church is doing that to which it has been called: Working to change lives.

Mark Hughes -- Six Things People Talk About

  1. The unusual
  2. The outrageous
  3. The Taboo
  4. The Hilarious
  5. The Remarkable
  6. The Secretive

Mark Hughes - Buzz Marketing.

Rick Clendenen - Notes from BFWC on 4/5/09

God puts people in your life for reasons and seasons.

Matthew 20:20-28 (the 20/20 vision of leadership)

"Go Getters to Go Givers"

J.D. Parrish - "Wounds ooze blood but scars ooze wisdom". A man entering the church foyer once called out, "Is there any wisdom in here?" J.D. Parrish responded, "There should be -- there's plenty of scars!"

  1. There is a difference between the world's way and God's way.
  2. Leadership's going to cost you something -- salvation's free, but not it's not cheap.
  3. Kingdom promotion comes through submission. Submission means moving without detail -- you don't have to have the t's crossed and i's dotted.
  4. Your level of authority equals your level of submission.
  5. Leaders must set the example of what they want in their leaders

Five Lessons Learned:

The Law of Value
Matt 10:29-31
There is a difference between value and cost/price.
America knows the cost of everything, but the value of nothing.
True worth is not your paycheck.
Value is what you leave in others.

The Law of Compensation
Matt 6:31-34
Income determined by ___?

The Law of Influence
Ps 75:6-7
Your influence is determined by how much you place the needs of others above your own.

The Law of Authenticity
I Cor 13:1-3
Must be the same in and out of church.
Must be real.

The Law of Reciprocation
Gal 6:6-10
The key to being able to effectively give is to be able to humbly receive.
What if God wanted us to give $1 million? Most of us would have to receive it first.
God wants to get us to where we are giving amounts we don't have.

Brain Dump - Effective Communication

SUCCEsS (From Made to Stick):

Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler. - Einstein

Preach your own sermons
  • Dripping with your own blood, sweat, and tears
  • Given for your place and time
Prepare on your knees (or your face)

Make it visual
  • A movie
  • Act it out
  • Big pictures
Know your point
  • Is it to transfer information?
  • Or is it to bring about change?

Richard C. Borden's Speech Method

Imagine a crowd that yells the following four questions...
  1. Ho-hum!
  2. Why bring that up?
  3. For instance?
  4. So what?

The remedies:
  1. Start a fire
  2. Build a bridge
  3. Get down to cases
  4. Ask for action

Marcus Kelley - Miscellaneous

Pastor used to say, "Opportunity + Preparedness = Success."

Rodney Reynolds - Who Shall Declare His Generation?

Isaiah 53:1-5 -- note "He"
vs 6-8 -- note "We"
The Ethiopian eunuch had been reading this part of Isaiah.

Man tends to worship.
Native Cultures worship.

Romans 10:13-15 -- there is something special about a preacher

Gal 6:9 -- quoted often by pastor's granny

Lorretta Kelley - Misc

[In Sermon on Matt 11:28-30]
Ponder: What is the difference between Christ's yoke and our cross?

Rest: An inward holiday

God's rules are given to either protect you or provide for you. His teachings help us.

Ties of financial bondage:
- wanting more than I have
- not asking God, "Can I have this now?"

Cindy Jacobs - Possessing the Gates of the Enemy

Ed Silvoso's definition:
A stronghold is a mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes the believer to accept as unchangeable something that he/she knows is contrary to the will of God.
Rights we have to give up in order to tear down strongholds:
  • The right to be offended.
  • The right to our time.
  • The right to do what we want with our possessions.
  • The right to self-pity.
  • The right to self-justification.
  • The right to be understood.
  • The right to criticize.

Brannon House - WorldView Weekend

[Notes from the WorldView Weekend held in Indy in March 21 2009]
Worldview determines values. Values determine conduct.

Five Specific National Consequences for Rejecting God
  1. Romans 1:21-22: They become a nation of fools.
  2. Romans 1:25: They access pagan spirituality (focus on worshipping nature and ultimately ending guilt)
  3. Romans 1:26-27: They accept homosexuality as normal
  4. Romans 1:28: They become a debased and violent nation.
  5. Romans 1:32: The nation's judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government promote, approve of, and encourage immorality and corruption.
- Anti-Fathers
- Anti-Family

Goals of Cultural Marxism:
1. Destroy Christianity
2. Create Chaos

Political Correctness = Cultural Marxism -- An attempt by the cultural elite to have you use words that deny the existence of God

Christian Response
Speak truth in love

Transcendental Meditation making inroads into church teachings as:
- Contemplative Prayer
- Centering Prayer
- Breath Prayer

C.S. Lewis's Three Stages of Worldview?
1. There is one God
2. There is no God
3. There are many gods

Five Reasons for the Rise of Pagan Spirituality
  1. The New Spirituality gives them spiritual license to justify their rebellion against the God of the Bible.
  2. The New Spirituality is a spiritual salve for their guilty conscience.
  3. The New Spirituality allows them to interpret truth as what works for them and makes them happy.
  4. The New Spirituality fits the cultural mandates of tolerance and pluralism.
  5. The New Spirituality justifies their political liberalism.

Christians should respond to Pagan Spirituality like Paul did to the Stoics (Cosmic Humanists):
- referenced the idol to the unknown God
- declared to them the one true God

Three Responses to Paul's Message
1. Laughter
2. Requests for more info.
3. Belief

One-World Spirituality is comprised of three worldviews
- Darwinian Evolution
- Hindu Pantheism
- Occultism

Its Goal:
- One Government
- One Financial System
- One Religion

"Fabian Socialism": - Socialism through evolution, not revolution

John Maynard Caines (sp?) teaches create socialism through inflation

Saul Olansky (sp?) taught Fabian Socialism. Obama taught Olansky's book 4 years. Hillary wrote her thesis on Saul Olansky.

Verses to ponder:
Gal 4:16 - I have become your enemy because I tell you the truth
II Tim 3:12 - all who live godly shall suffer persecution
Rom 8:18 - sufferings not worthy to compare to the glory

Church Plant Fundraising

via Behind the Leaf by Michael on 4/7/09

Some of the most common questions we get on this blog are in the area of fund raising.  One such question is "how much does it cost to plant a church."
My answer:  everything you've got.
If you raise $50,000 then you'll spend every bit of it.  If you have less, it can cost less.  If you raise more, it can cost more.  There's no set number.
I know of churches with amazing funding who blew through it and never made it.  And I know churches that launched on shoestring budgets that are doing well.
Just so you know, between January 1, 2006 and August 20, 2006 (our grand opening), we spent about $55,000 on everything.  That included equipment, marketing, outreach and salaries.  Our first mailout went to 5,000 homes because that's how much money we had.  If we got something on Sunday, we spent it on Monday.
I write about fundraising in my upcoming book, and I'm sure we'll hit on it in an upcoming coaching network.

BehindTheLeaf - Church Planter Leadership Style

Michael at BehindTheLeaf lists three leadership styles of church planters:
  • The Pastor-Shepherd
    This is the kind of guy that knows names, really cares for people, and is a pastor in the traditional sense of the word.

  • The Entrepreneur
    This is the get-it-done, driven, almost business like leader. He probably understands marketing and leadership well. He's got a big vision, and often has the plan to make it happen.

  • The Teacher
    This is the guy that just loves to teach. Maybe he was a youth pastor. But this person has stage presence and the ability to teach the Bible with creativity, passion, and relevance.
Michael goes on to describe the weaknesses of each type. He also states that it's possible for people to be a blend of two different leadership types, but he's never seen anyone who was a blend of all three.

Michael says that a senior pastor of one leadership type should look for a different leadership type in staff appointments.

Rick Clendenen - Notes from Quality Inn

People come to your church because they have a need.
People stay because you need them.
You have six months.
Six months to turn them from a member to a minister before they leave.

People leave a church for two reasons:
1. They are not informed.
2. They are not involved.

Three peaks in a person's life:

From age 17 to 35.
David, the Giant Killer.
Had to say, "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures," because he wouldn't lie still otherwise.

From age 35 on to debiliation.
David, the Wounded Warrior (you will get hurt -- can't avoid it)
Said, "He restoreth my soul"

From ages (50 to 60)
David, the General
Sat at the table prepared before him.

Stages in life:
20's - Adventure
30's - Analytical
40's - Assimilating
50's - Aggression

Four hurdles you must overcome every time you advance from one level to another:

1. Incomplete Relationships
Every time you move, there will be some relationships you haven't finished yet, some that sever, some that oppose your move.
You must put Jesus first, and let the others deal with it.

2. Possessions
You won't be able to take everything you have.
You must give everything you have to God. When you do so, he will supply your need.

3. Unforgiveness
You must make Jesus your Lord and judge, and get rid of any bitterness.
You know you're there when you're ready to forgive the people who God used to chisel you to make you what are are.

4. Memory
You can easily get hung up on your memories of 1, 2, and 3 -- those past relationships, possessions, or hurts.
You must forget what's behind, and make Jesus your focus.

On Jehoshaphat:
The spoils will remain for those who know how to disarm the enemy by walking in a Kingdom lifestyle.

Rick Clendenen - Notes from Dinner at Christo's - 4/4/09

Must shift from institutional to family-relational.

Larry asked:: Does relationship bring people deeper?
When a bishop stays a length of time, districts advance due to the depth of the relationships.

Larry asked: What are the biggest challenges you see?
We must have a system for turning members into ministers.
Consumers think the church is for them.
"The gospel was not created for man, but man was created for the gospel."

Indian: "Please don't pray the persecution will stop."

The gospel goes forth by the blood of the martyrs.

It doesn't require any faith to be blessed.

Elevator: we push up - more money, better house, better car.
they push down - take my house, take my car

Question: What does commitment look like?
In India, services are timed by how long it takes to get from city hall to the location (17 min, 12 min, ...)

How many would show up here if the police threatened to arrest us?

Commitment isn't seen in attendance or tithe, but willingness to die.

One church in India multiplied 7 times in 2 years.

Story of John - motorcycle wreck
- asked for mom and dad, but a friend brought 2 Pentecostal ladies who spoke in tongues over him and prophesied, "If you surrender to God, you will live, but if not, you will die."
- John surrendered. The hospital washed the blood off him and sent him home.

Recommended reading: Apostolic Revolution by David Cartiledge

God has no daughters or grandchildren.
"As many as received Him, He gave power to be sons of God."
Some of God's best sons are women.
Male/female is for procreation.  In the Kingdom, there are sons.

Christianity, if reduced to one person:
- black, not white
- female, not male
- peasant
- Nigerian

1.2 million Nigerians were filled with the Holy Ghost in one night of one meeting.

In Kenya, a 4 a.m. prayer meeting had 500 intercessors in attendance.

Regarding the Discipleship Ministries seminar...
Need to learn why people aren't coming.
Would a different day be better?

Dale Yearton asks 3 questions after every event...

What's the best that happened?
- young marrieds found help

What's the worst that happened?
- 4/5 of the district missed out

What can we do better?
- earlier marketing
- church or pastor visits?
- ask speaker for mailing/invite suggestions

Could we guarantee 12 churches to come with their leaders?
- Need to sit down with 30 pastors
- Tell what we're doing
- Ask each for commitment -- would each come and bring their leaders

What if each of the 6 pastors who came carried the message to another 5?

Question: What should a spiritual orphan do?
The last prophecy in Malachi (dads' hearts to their kids, kids' hearts to their dads)
- the fathers initiate
- the children pursue
- The curse is Fatherlessness

Bishop shows the authority
Paul defended his position (2 Cor) by showing the relationships (10,000 ?)

The spirit of Elijah is:
- Prophetic - vision, revelation
- Apostolic - authority
- Fathering - relationship

Cartledge: "We're not voting on fathers every 3 years."

Episcopos - one leader, but that leader drifted, so we then went to...
Presbertos - a group to watch the leader, but when the group went south, we went to...
Congregation - to vote on the group to watch the leader.

But that's backwards!

We need one man who leads a group who leads the congregation.

Rick Clendenen on Ruth 1:19-22 -- Seven Things to Help Shun Bitterness

Ruth 1:19-22

Seven Things to help shun bitterness

Alimelech "God is my father"
Lived in Bethlehem "house of bread"

Began to feel pressure because of the famine

#1 In the midst of trouble, don't forget who your daddy is.

Alimelech sojourned toward Moab "flesh"
Sojourn: "temporary trip"

#2 Don't let fear drive you to do things the world's way

#3 Don't let your temporary decisions cause permanent damage and death.

Chilian "Sorrowful"
Mohan "sickly"

Orpah "gazelle / stiff-necked and swift-footed"

#4 Don't expect Orpah (the stiffnecked/swift-footed) to follow you.
Wherever her head turns, she's going to go.

Ruth "beauty"
Naomi "sweet one"
Even though Naomi said call me Mara "bitter", nobody did - they still called her Naomi.

#5 Don't let the devil change your name.

Boaz "bounty"

#6 stay sweet
- refuse to be bitter, so you will be able to bring together beauty and bounty.

Obed "servant"
Naomi, long past birthing age, was able to nurse her grandson
The people didn't say Ruth had a son, but that Naomi (sweet one) had a son.

#7 Don't let bitterness dry you up - you have a future servant you need to nurse.

SAIC Tip of the Day: Writing: What to Capitalize in a Headline

Writing Tip: What words do you capitalize in a headline?
28 Jan 2009

Headline capitalization can be tricky, but here are some basic rules to follow:
  • Capitalize the first and last word of a headline.

  • Capitalize all parts of speech (e.g., verbs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, etc.) except:

    • articles: a, an, the
    • short conjunctions: and, but, for, nor
    • prepositions that are three letters or less: on, in
The main exceptions are those short pesky prepositions that are used as conjunctions, adverbs or adjectives. Here are some examples:
  • Press the On Button to Start the Machine (adjective) or Speaker Rambles On at Conference (adverb) vs. Man Works at SAIC, Lives on Farm (preposition)

  • Kids Face Pressure to Join the In Crowd (adjective) or Vote Tally Is In — Minnesota Has New Governor (adverb) vs. Lion Escapes Zoo, Attacks Visitors in Zoo (preposition)
Find this definition and more in the SAIC House Style Guide.
Tip submitted by Bonnie Nicholls in San Diego, California.