Thanks to His Friend, Abraham Knew Something Lot Did Not

There’s a difference between being afraid of God and fearing God. The “fear of the Lord”, the beginning of knowledge and wisdom, is a respect of God, honor of God, and even a friendship with God.

This is more than just knowing about God. It is more than just living right. It is more than only having enough of Jesus in your life to keep yourself out of Hell.

This fear of the Lord is wonderment and amazement, interest, and utmost respect. It is deep friendship, not just superficial acquaintance.

Friends talk. Friends enjoy one another’s company. They laugh together and cry together. They share life, hopes, and dreams, and even secrets.

Ps 25:14 says “The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.”

The friend of God may know things of which others have no clue.

Gen 18-19 tells about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were busy going about life -- eating, drinking, working, and partying, and most likely assuming that life was good and that the party would go on forever.

The Sodomites had no clue whatsoever that the doomsday clock was ticking and they had less than 24 hours on this earth.

This cluelessness wasn’t restricted to just the sinful people. Lot, who had a righteous soul (2 Peter 2:8), was just as clueless as the rest of them.

But Abraham knew ahead of time what was going on. God told Abraham His plans, His secret, and Abraham was able to intercede for the cities, asking that they be preserved if just 10 righteous souls were found among them.

— Paraphrased from John Bevere’s comments on Joyce Meyer’s program on 11/17/09.

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