Start With the Mission

Start with the church and the mission will be lost.
Start with the mission and the church will be found.
- Alan Hirsch, The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church

Thanks to His Friend, Abraham Knew Something Lot Did Not

There’s a difference between being afraid of God and fearing God. The “fear of the Lord”, the beginning of knowledge and wisdom, is a respect of God, honor of God, and even a friendship with God.

This is more than just knowing about God. It is more than just living right. It is more than only having enough of Jesus in your life to keep yourself out of Hell.

This fear of the Lord is wonderment and amazement, interest, and utmost respect. It is deep friendship, not just superficial acquaintance.

Friends talk. Friends enjoy one another’s company. They laugh together and cry together. They share life, hopes, and dreams, and even secrets.

Ps 25:14 says “The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.”

The friend of God may know things of which others have no clue.

Gen 18-19 tells about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were busy going about life -- eating, drinking, working, and partying, and most likely assuming that life was good and that the party would go on forever.

The Sodomites had no clue whatsoever that the doomsday clock was ticking and they had less than 24 hours on this earth.

This cluelessness wasn’t restricted to just the sinful people. Lot, who had a righteous soul (2 Peter 2:8), was just as clueless as the rest of them.

But Abraham knew ahead of time what was going on. God told Abraham His plans, His secret, and Abraham was able to intercede for the cities, asking that they be preserved if just 10 righteous souls were found among them.

— Paraphrased from John Bevere’s comments on Joyce Meyer’s program on 11/17/09.

Brain Dump - Personalities in 1 Samuel 17

- An instrument of Satan
-- Not representative of Satan himself, because we cannot kill Satan
--- In Revelation, Satan bound, then later cast into the lake of fire

- Sin
- Sinful people, perhaps
-- can't kill people, but can sever the link between demonic influencers and the influenced

Had the responsibility and the authority, but not the courage
- president, principal, leader

"with great power comes great responsibility"

"to him whom much is given, much shall be required"

Per chpt 16, Eliab had 3 things going for him, 3 things that made Samuel think, "Surely the Lord's anointed is before him." -- Eliab was the first-born, he had a good (perhaps kingly) countenance, and he was tall.

Didn't get the position he'd wanted
- but also didn't have the backbone to stand against Goliath

When David starts to do something about Goliath, Eliab's envy manifests and he plays mind-reader.
- we, too, when a peer
-- gets 1st chair instead of us,
-- gets to be on the worship team and we do not
-- gets the lead role in a play
-- gets a better promotion than us

Too old for the battle (even adult men considered Jesse to be an old man)
But sent support to the battle
- finances
- prayer
- time
- food

I will not let the things I cannot do keep me from doing the things I can do.

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do." - Edward Everett Hale

"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do." - Helen Keller

Anointed/Empowered and Courageous
Answered Eliab by saying, "Is there not a cause?"
Acts 1:8 -- "witnesses" also means "martyrs"

Tom Branham - Communion Service

Preached during the Friday morning communion service of District Convention.  Nov 6, 2009
Matt 26:26-29

The world and the government may have their thoughts about sin, but God knows when I sin, and I know when I sin, and if I don't get that sin under the blood, I won't make it to heaven.

During Passover, people would remove all leaven from their house - sweeping, cleaning cupboards, making sure not even a speck remained.

4 cups shared during Passover:
- cup of sanctification
- cup of affliction
- cup of redemption
- cup of consolation

hallel - "hall"- consummation; "el" - God; "hallel" consummation in the presence of God

First passover
lamb eaten
- under the blood of the lamb
- leaning upon their staff
- with shoes on
- ready to go

When the Israelites left Egypt, "not one feeble person among them"
- the blood is not only for redemption, but also for healing and strength

v28 - the blood of the new testament/covenant

3 Scarlet threads used during the scapegoat ceremony
- 1 tied to the priest (or at the priest's discretion, tied to the scapegoat)
- 1 tied to the scapegoat
- 1 tied to the door of the tablernacle
  - legend was when the scapegoat died, this thread turned white
  - Isaiah 1:18 possible written after seeing this (scarlet/red turned white as snow/wool)

At Calvary
- 1 thief died and went to hell
- 1 thief died and went to heaven - his thred turned white

Wayman Ming - Is There Not a Cause?

From District Convention, Thursday Evening, Nov 5, 2009
Video: here

1 Sam 17:21-29

covenant: permanent arrangement

How is covenant birthed?
Out of a cause
1 Sam 17:57 - 18:1
- it only took one conversation
- Jon's soul was knit to David's
- Jon loved David as much as he loved himself
Note: Covenant relationship can be birthed in one conversation.

17:28 - Why are there so many Eliabs in the church?
- Think they know other's thoughts and intentions

Is there not a cause?

Many today believe there is a god, or some supernatural/spiritual force, but they don't think God cares about them.
Need to read Psalm 139
- v1 - God has searched us and knows us
- v2 - God knows every time we sit down and stand up, plus our thoughts afar off
- v3 - God knows every word on our tongue -- both the word and the motivation behind it
Pentecost: God not only knows and cares, but He indwells.

Acts 2:2
- many sounds today, but we need a sound from heaven
- a sound like a mighty, rushing wind (violent wind)
2:3 - tongues like fire (greek: lightning)

Cane Ridge, KY, in 1801
- Lexington, in 1801, was the largest city on the frontier with a population of 1800
- also a rough, sin-filled town
- outside town, a preacher started a meeting
- within a few days, 25000 to 30000 people showed up

When know what Pentecost is
We know what accompanies it
But what is the evidence of it?

Mark 16: "these signs shall follow them that believe"

If anything, your church should be known as a place where people can come and be saved, healed, and delivered.

Acts 1:8 - "and ye shall be witnesses"

Pentecost, in OT, was called the "Feast of weeks"
- a celebration of the first fruits of the harvest
- seems fitting a harvest should be evidence of Pentecost

- a reversal of Babel
Babel: tongues used to separate the world
Pentecost: tongues used to reach the world

We have done a disservice to Pentecost when we think it's all about having a good time at church.

No! Pentecost is what you do after the service.
The Holy Ghost should make you hit the streets.
- if it doesn't, it wasn't really Pentecost, because Pentecost is the celebration of the harvest

In PCG last year, 21% of churches reported zero conversions.
54% (612 churches) reported zero water baptisms.
49% reported zero Holy Ghost baptisms.

Are we really PCG?  without Pentecost?

Wayman Ming - God's Plans for Us

Indiana District Convention - Thursday Morning, Nov 5, 2009

Jeremiah 29:11
NKJ lists future first, then hope
- our future gives us hope

God's plans include:
- what God wants me to be - devotion
- what God wants me to do - purpose
- where God wants me to go - destiny
- what God wants me to leave - legacy

- making God #1
- hearing God's voice every day
- obeying God's voice every day
[we need to check God's book before facebook]
- every one of us wages war with disobedience continually
- must overcome:
  . preoccupation
  . procrastination
    · "delayed obedience", which equals disobedience
    · delayed obedience = disobedience
  . passivity
    · waiting until tomorrow will steal your today
    · waiting will steal your right now

- same for all of us
- we confuse destiny and purpose
- purpose includes knowing God and making Him known

- God's unique destination for my life
- Destiny can begin in a moment
  . "Noah, build an ark"
  . "Moses, go down to Egypt"
  . "Samuel, fill thy horn with oil and go"
- Destiny can be defined in a moment
  . Rahab hanging a scarlet thread in her window
  . Three Hebrew children refusing to bow
  . Martin Luther nailing the 95 theses on the door
  . or....
  . Cain killing Abel
  . Judas kissing Christ
- Destiny will be judged over a lifetime
  . David vs Goliath
  . David dodging spears
  . David with Bathsheba

- leaving something for the next generation
- every deed leaves a seed
- every choice affects your voice
- Elijah's choice affected Elisha's voice.

Wayman Ming - Is There Not a Covenant?

Indiana District Convention - Wednesday Evening, Nov 4, 2009
Video: here

How do I move my people from hearing to doing?
from spiritual to physical?
from preaching to life-application?
Becoming a covenant church with a covenant cause

Gen 9:11-13
Gen 17:7-8
Psalm 89:34-
Psalm 25:14

Everything we have is because of covenant

What are we?  A denomination? Organization? Movement? Fellowship?

- nom - name
- nation - people group
- de - lessens whatever follows
- don't want to be a watered-down group of people who have the same name

- Jesus did not come so that we would be organized

- group of independent and detached people who have a generic goal
- evacuation of the bowels

Fellowship - "cooperative fellowship"
- koinea - communion
- but we can (and perhaps should) cooperate with anybody

Better: "Covenant"

Three Covenants of Scripture: Blood, Marriage and Salt

Jesus shed His blood for us, but shared His blood with us
His shed blood was grace extended, but His shared blood was grace received.
His shed blood was blessing designed, but His shared blood was blessing given.

"As long as the Lord lives"
[God is in and won't be out]

for the healing of relationships
- purity of mission
- preservation of the body

blood: spiritual
marriage: sacramental
salt: superficial [?]

blood: relationship with God
marriage: relationship with family
salt: relationship with the world